Water Cost Recovery
The Issue
Water Tariffs vary in price and structure in different areas of the UK and often depend on external factors as well as levels and types of usage. Checking that your business is on the most advantageous rate is time consuming and can be difficult.
In addition the deregulation of the market in 2017 has created a number of new suppliers with new billing systems which in many cases are leading to a whole range of new errors and overcharges including duplicated charges and removal of pre-existing discount agreements.
The Approach
We have experience of every water and waste water service provider and can analyse your supplier invoices against a wider market knowledge and access to all available discounts and tariffs. We also look into the levels of water and waste water charged comparing with other businesses of similar type and size to assess whether your usage is reasonable and whether there is scope for conservation or whether there could be a costly ongoing leak.
We have access to every water Company and will deal direct to resolve billing and tariff issues refunds go back up to six years. In addition we have the ability to carry out on site surveys and arrange leak detection where we believe there is an ongoing issue. We charge based on the success of our audit in terms of refunds and savings so there is no risk to a business using our service.
We know what other customers are paying and how you can minimise costs with more than 2000 audits completed and 25 years experience. No one is better placed to reduce your water, waste water, drainage and effluent bills than PCMG.
Contact us if you’d like more information on how our water cost recovery service could deliver savings for your organisation.