
Your Industry - Retail

Your Challenges

Multiple sites within a dynamic estate present you with a significant challenge to establish and retain a clear picture of your energy or telecoms costs.

As you manage the expansion or contraction of your facilities you will also need to be confident that supplier contracts remain in line and that no erroneous payments are made.

Our Solutions

Our Energy or Telecoms Cost Recovery Audit is an ideal starting point to establish or regain control of your portfolio, whilst giving your expenditure a clean bill of financial health and returning cash to your organisation.

Choose our Open Energy Consulting or Telecoms Managed Services offer, to identify and correct errors on the spot as well as equip your teams with the right tools to confidently engage with the challenges your business is facing.

Our Track Record

By looking deeper, under the surface of expenditure within the retail sector we’ve delivered almost £24m in recoveries and savings since 1993, which is equivalent to the profit generated from an extra 80 supermarkets.

Contact us if you’d like to understand how we can secure a clearer picture of expenditure for you, both now and in the future.